Every now and then i walk around sri pentas after my last traffic report... it's to basically ease my mind and mainly to wait for traffic to calm down... like i've said before what's worse than being stuck in traffic? knowing that there is a traffic jam you have to go through. Especially when you need to get home. So i took these shots of sri pentas from one of the open areas...(click to enlarge :D )
Then ran into Rina of 8tv and found out how passionate she was about wildlife and animals in general... especially towards rare animals and snake... and it just so happened that she had a snake in her car... i'm scared of snakes just incase you guys were wondering so i have no real close up shots of "Chicken" ... yes that is the name of the snake... why? cause it's afraid of people...hmmm go figure.
well anyways lets back track a bit... yes i did spend my raya at the studio and a few people have texted me saying how sad it was that i didn't get to taste some Raya food... well sorry guys i did get to taste raya food on the first day of Raya... here are pictures to prove it :D
and if you were wondering what i looked like when i was a young Moe Nasrul... like say 7 to 12-ish years old... here are some really old photos...guess which one was me :D
The pics are proofs of what a barney junky you guys were! So denying it :D and you swayed to " I love you, you love me...." hehe
Ur reliable source!
well i'd admit... i love that purple creature when i was younger and only hated it cause all the kids hated it :P i was like 6 or 7?
so not cool to love the purple dinosaur...
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